Burning sage — also known as smudging — is an ancient spiritual ritual.
Smudging has been well established as a Native tribal practice, although it isn’t practiced by all groups.
We have the traditions of many Native peoples to thank for its use. This includes the Lakota, Chumash, Cahuilla, Lenape among others.
Many other cultures around the world share similar rituals.
The most-used types of sage have antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay.
White prairie sage (Artemisia ludoviciana) is both antimicrobial and antibacterial. White sage (Salvia apiana) is also antimicrobial. And both have been shown to repel insects.
One 2007 study found that burning sage for an hour decreased the level of aerial bacteria by 94 percent. These effects were preserved for up to 24 hours afterward.
It turns out that sage may help clear the air of lots more than bugs and bacteria.
Though scientifically unproven, burning sage is thought to release negative ions. This is said to help neutralize positive ions.
Common positive ions are allergens like:
- pet dander
- pollution
- dust
- mold
If this is the case, burning sage may be a blessing for those with asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. But inhaling the smoke during the smudging can aggravate it. Wait until the smoke clears before spending time in the room.
Before burning sage, some recommend setting intentions if smudging for spiritual, energetic, and negativity-clearing purposes.
It’s also important to leave a window open before, during, and after smudging. This allows smoke to escape.
Some believe smoke also takes impurities and negative energy with it — so don’t skip this step.
In this instance, direct sage smoke over all surfaces and spaces in your home or living area. Be thorough.
Some recommend working in a clockwise direction around your home, ending back where you started, especially for spiritual purposes. Others recommend counter-clockwise.
Do what feels best for your situation and follow your intuition.
Direct smoke around and over the object of your choice.
This can be done to a new item, such as jewelry, furniture, or clothing, to protect or dispel it of negative energy. Items related to negative experiences or memories may also be smudged.
Some people burn sage over special objects, to acknowledge the object with sacred meaning.
You can also light and burn sage to improve odor, fragrance, and mood.
Simply waft sage smoke in and around your home. You can place the bundle in a fireproof bowl or burner and allow it to smoke for a while.
Make sure your smudge stick is completely extinguished. You can do this by dabbing the lit end into a small bowl of ash or sand.
Check the end closely to make sure there are no more embers burning. Once it’s completely put out, store it in a safe, dry place out of the sun.
Burning sage has many benefits as a spiritual practice. Some research supports certain health benefits of sage, such as antimicrobial properties and enhanced alertness, but more research is needed.
Keep in mind: Burning sage is a sacred religious practice in some Native cultures. Treat the ritual with respect.