分享自 Leon Franco :
Liquid Crystal Within The Body
The fundamental dynamics of the universe is that of expansion and contraction – a continuous feed-back loop of information radiating out and absorbing back on itself. Similarly the human consciousness is also a feed-back loop of information. The external world contracts into our being through innumerable physical processes, a fraction of which are filtered as sensory impressions in the body and the brain. Simultaneously there is the body and its countless atoms radiating energy, acting outwards in the universe merely by existing. Consciousness results from this boundary condition, this event-horizon, between absolute and dynamical energy, where information is absorbed inwards to the infinite non-local vacuum field and radiated back out to the finite external world. Consciousness is simply information being processed. Thus the individual is not the only one experiencing reality but reality is experiencing itself though every individual, though every atom. The source of consciousness does not originate within the body or the brain, but is rather a quality of the topology of space-time itself, of the fundamental dynamics and function of an information processing black-hole-universe. As such the biological body is more like a transceiver of consciousness, and not its originating source. To find the conduit of consciousness then, we must again look to the crystalline geometry of water within the human form.
A crystal is simply a structure whose molecules are arranged in a regular, organized pattern. Characteristically, crystals resonate or oscillate at specific frequencies, and some crystals are also piezoelectric, i.e. they respond to mechanical stress by generating an electrical pulse. Both of these properties are frequently utilized in the field of electronics and computer engineering, e.g. with the purpose of producing radio transmitters to tune and stabilize specific frequencies. Looking for a conductor of vacuum information we could look to the crystal-like systems within the body. In fact there are a great many structures within the human organism that can be described as crystal-like.
Liquid crystal is a kind of crystal that exhibits fluid dynamics while maintaining molecules in an organized pattern, much like marching soldiers retain their regimented structure even while turning a corner. The phospholipid molecules of the cell membrane behave in a similar fashion; their fluid crystalline organization allows the membrane to dynamically alter its shape while maintaining its integrity, making it able to both insulate and vibrate in resonance with electrical impulses, much like a crystalline semi-conductor chip.
The DNA molecule itself also displays the same crystalline organization, as does the skeletal bones of the body. Both of these are also piezoelectric and will respond electrically upon a mechanical impulse from its environment. In fact each organ, gland, nerve system, cell and protein structure shows a level of organization with some degree of crystalline function, and together they form a network of oscillating, resonating structures that form an overall organized and coherent resonance pattern, thus in terms of physiology and physics, the human being can better be understood as vibrational biocrystals; open systems in continuous resonance with the frequencies of hyperspace. There exists no definite border between electromagnetic fields maintained by the body’s metabolism and those that exists in the environment. As such we may think of the human body as merely a denser crystallization of space itself.
The human body consists of 75% water and our brain about 90%, yet the importance of this fact is often underestimated. In fact, infants born with mostly water in their brain (hydrocephaly) responds consciously to stimuli, and overall they functions perfectly, yet only a very small portion of their brain is composed of neurons. In other words, we are fully conscious and aware even with very little grey matter in the brain – yet if we remove the water, life will collapse. Consequently, water may act as the medium through which the vacuum hyperspace extends into complex physical form – through the resonant element of water the fractal of biological growth and evolution is made possible.
Contrary to common belief, the biological cell is a highly energetic object; its phospholipid membrane and inner structure of microtubules oscillate at extreme intensities measured to 1014 Hz. In the fractal-holographic model each cell can actually be compared with a very tiny black hole entity. In Haramein’s and Raucher’s “scaling law” we may even see that the energy output of microtubules within biological cells, in terms of frequency vs. radius, are in a linear, harmonic match with other black hole systems in the universe (i.e. galactic nuclei, quasars, stars, mini-black hole atoms etc.), suggesting that cells themselves are a natural scale resolution of the universe, a biologicalresolution, situated right in the middle of the micro- and the macro-comos, inbetween atoms and stars on the cosmic chart. Not only does this finding implicate an abundance of biological life in the cosmos, but it puts the human being in the center of his own anthropic universe.
In this view the human body is composed of trillions of mini black hole cells in crystalline organization, all harmonized around the pulsating coherent field of the human heart. This entire systems forms, in symphony, an event-horizon absorbing information from the macrocomsic to the microcosmic world, thus feeding the unified vacuum field with its data of experience. Each event-horizon represents a different point of perspective, a unique geometric position in the cosmic fractal, providing its own particular bit of information to the whole. Altogether, this “extension of space” is a finely tuned, self-organizing system of incredible sensitivity and complexity, capable of registering the most minute impulse from its environment. As we have seen, through the medium of water the biological body literally crystallize from the vacuum hyperfield, and this dense crystallization of energy seems to be merely the visible aspect of multiple layers of resonant crystalline energetic structure, the totality of which extends in an unbroken continuum from the level of gross matter to the causal realm of complete emptiness – the state of equilibrium.
This hypersensitive holographic biocrystalline system continously tunes with our own conscious (and unconscious) feed-back loop of psycho-emotional states; the interpretations we make of the field affects our universe, and in turn the universe affects us – a natural balance of creation and co-creation. As we consciously enter a state of internal balance, the various energetic layers of the biocrystal will ocillate into higher degrees of organization and coherency. Within every core there is equilibrium, which means universal unity, thus the more centered we are the more obvious becomes our connectivity to all things.
We can imagine that the act of introspection equals an implosive movement, a negentropic force, and thus a movement towards higher coherency, order and flow, which may be why meditative and yogic practices are so beneficial to psychological and physical health. The use of essences, accupunture and crystals for vibrational tuning is also an ancient knowledge, which only now is reemerging in our modern world. The medical science concerning the energetic, vibrational composition of the human being is still in its early infancy, and in front of us lies a vast universe of discovery…
All this considered, we may come to new view of Man, a view of inherent universal balance, coherency, co-creation and connection. The geometric proportions of hyperspace is a blueprint of Creation, directing the formation of universes, quasars, galaxies, stars, planets, cells and atoms. It extends itself simultaneously through all these scalar dimensions and eventually observes its own mystery through the eyes of a self-aware entity. The human form is nothing less than a holographic projection of the harmonic geometry of hyperspace – a natural crystallization of Totality itself.