“ILLUMINATIONS” ~ Jung ?Hall ?Steiner
It is in the blood that we have the flow of the current that sustains life and as the element that integrates all the physical and metaphysical functions of the organs. The blood and the circulatory system can, in this sense, be compared to the materialized structure that represents the etheric movement of energies and the prana in our extra-physical bodies. As long as we can maintain a vigorous circulation of blood and energy in our systems, we will experience health and a strong immune system.
Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?
~Carl Jung
Mystic Manly Palmer Hall, author of the book The Secret Teachings of All Ages ~
The blood is an “electric” fluid that carries in itself a suspended form of the vital principle of life, which is absorbed by us through the act of respiration. The Hindu tradition classifies this vital principle as Prana.
Now man is in a state of evolution, and for this reason Anthroposophy says: “If you remain as you are you will not see the etheric body, and may therefore indeed speak of the ‘boundaries of knowledge’ and ‘Ignorabimus’; but if you develop and acquire, the necessary faculties for the cognition of spiritual things, you will no longer speak of the ‘boundaries of knowledge,’ for these only exist as long as man has not developed his inner senses.” It is for this reason that agnosticism constitutes so heavy a drag upon our civilization; for it says: “Man is thus and thus, and being thus and thus he can know only this and that.” To such a doctrine we reply: “Though he be thus and thus today, he has to become different, and when different he will then know something else.”
-Rudolf Steiner ~ Berlin 1906