Dr. David Milgram ? Positive Body Language
Dr. David Milgram, Founder of Positive Body Language
Positive Body Language is the life work of holistic chiropractor and energy healer Dr. David Milgram. At a young age, David discovered an ability to intuitively use hands-on healing to help animals and people. Choosing the healing path of chiropractic, in 1982 he graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in St. Paul, Minnesota, and set up his practices, (originally Wellspring Health Center), now Turtle Island Healing Center, in Flagstaff and Sedona, Arizona.
Determined to continue learning, “taking the best and leaving the rest,” he studied SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) direct from the master, Dr. Bertrand DeJarnette, aka “The Major.” He also worked with Dr. Joseph Runyon, a board-certified doctor in chiropractic, acupuncture and cranial work and an expert in nutrition, neurology and orthopedics. His next educational leap came with Dr. Donald Epstein, founder of Network Chiropractic, learning his quantum-centered (rather than purely mechanistic) approach to the spine.
During this advanced educational period, Dr. Milgram also experienced what he calls “the training of my life” working on various Indian reservations across the state. His first native patient was Grandfather David Monongye, a Hopi Prophecy Keeper and Rainbow Tribe Chief. “By 1986, I had about three dozen patients over the age of 75, most of whom were chiefs of some sort. About a half dozen were over a hundred years old. This is where I learned to go very deep while being completely gentle.”
In 1992, he began what would be an almost 20-year intensive course of study with Dr. Victor Frank N.D., D.C. in Total Body Modification (TBM), integrating Chinese Medicine with the Western understanding of the body, learning Emotional Erase techniques and ways to neutralize environmental stressors on the body. In 1996, Dr. Frank referred him to the man who had helped him develop TBM, the legendary meta-physician, Dr. Charles Kuntz D.C., PhD., D.D.. “Upon meeting him,
I quickly became his apprentice,” says Milgram. “He taught me many tricks of the old masters from years ago.”
Positive Body Language (PBL), an adjunctive healing system using sacred healing points on the body to communicate to the body, mind and spirit, is the capstone of Dr. Milgram’s almost 40-year odyssey, integrating all of his work and education so far.
And the journey continues!
Dr. David Milgram
The 7 Keys to Self-empowerment are multi-layered, multidimensional processes of attunement and self-awareness that will help you gain a foothold within your own energetic field, giving you the opportunity to grasp the energetic seeds that may transform you, illuminate you and potentially create healing on many different levels—energetic, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, vital, and soul—thus giving you the opportunity to embrace the wisdom and potentials held in the entirety of your system. Each one of the 7 Keys relates to a healing law, and each one of the 7 Keys to Self-empowerment has seven tonalities within it. I relate those seven tonalities to the seven aspects of a plant’s growth and development: the root, the stem, the branch, the leaf, the flower, the fruit and the seeds.
Working with the 7 Keys is about tuning into self-worth and self-love. It is about honoring the spiritual body and creating a portable temple within ourselves reflecting honesty, trueness, genuineness, and authenticity with self. It is about refining our spiritual awareness to evolve and grow and recognize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The 7 Keys help us to not merely recognize the parts that make us who we are, they are a pathway to help us put the pieces together into a greater whole so that we may realize and manifest the greater Divine life energy that seeks to flow through us.