BOOK: BEYOND PYRAMID POWER ~ Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan
As the FREQUENCY of the SPHERICAL SOURCE gets higher, the WAVELETS are harder to see, but the interference patterns become more obvious.
Our UNIVERSE is composed of INTERFERENCE PATTERNS OF ENERGY events. We only see the INTERFERENCE and cannot perceive the INVISIBLE field creating these patterns.
These patterns generate corresponding structures at harmonic intervals of one another. These interpenetrate with common nodes where intersecting lines of wave propagation of higher frequencies coincide with interferences of lower overtone harmonics. At these common node points where harmonic intervals begin and end together, there can be a transmission of energy from one dimension to another. If we consider these multiple harmonics as varying degrees of density, we have a structure for a multi – dimensional UNIVERSE. Awareness of any dimensional plane is dependent on one’s ability to differentiate specific energy events. The interference patterns generated in this manner form the structure of all energy. The expanding SPHERICAL field being pressor energy interferences, and the standing WAVE patterns being the TENSOR FIELD events.
(Pages 20 -21)