Dr. Walter Russell “THE FIFTH KINGDOM MAN” (1946)
A New Universe Must Be Built
We must build a new universe with the eyes of the Spirit. That is why God took me behind the scenes, away from the illusion of the senses into the universe of knowing, so that with the eyes of the Spirit I could see what the universe and man really are; so that I could see the illusions by means of which man has built up wrongful theories; and so that I could see the senselessness and the waste of man building materially from empirical knowledge based upon the observations of his sensed body, with illusions that have deceived him so completely that his text books of today on science are to me as though they were written by the sages of King Arthur’s time wherein they said the earth was flat and upheld on its four corners by wild elephants.
That is what it seemed to me when I came out of the universe of all-knowing where God kept me for thirty-nine days and nights, that I might not only know these things but write them down in the words of The Divine Iliad for you and the world. And during those thirty-nine days of every word I wrote down in The Divine Iliad there has never been an erasure nor a word changed in all of those 30,000 words. Ask any literary man or woman what that means. Ask if they have ever written 500 words without an erasure. Ask if they have ever written 500 masterly words that would endure through all time with ten thousand erasures. These 30,000 words of The Divine Iliad will last through all time. They are God’s words, not mine, written through me. They are the essence of all-knowing, for which I have been prepared to translate in the words of man, for the books which will form the foundation for the new civilization, the first of those books being The Secret of Light. Man has waited for that secret for long ages. Jesus said: “God is Light ” but no one knew what He meant. And nobody knows today what He meant. They have been waiting.
Sir Oliver Lodge wrote in a book some years ago–the book called The Ether of Light–and this is what he said:
“We know the how of many things, but we do not know the why of anything. We do not know what magnetism is, nor gravitation, electricity, energy, light. If we knew the secret of light we would have all knowledge. If the coming centuries ever give us that secret of light, it will not come through the scientific mind; it will come through the inspiration of a poet, painter, philosopher or saint.”