“Our spiritual unfoldment will one day make the use of telephone wires for sound transmission obsolete, for we shall then transmit our messages telepathically. We are, in truth, complete transmitting and receiving sets within ourselves.”
Man must “think in light;” his thinking must be in terms of the electromagnetic periodicities which measure all motion, for of such is he himself, and nothing else.
To know how to think in light from within is to open the doors of all knowledge.
Omnipotence lies in perfect thinking. There is no power in this universe other than the energy of thinking Mind.
Thinking is the cause of motion and the periodicities, or states of motion, caused by thinking Mind are registered in light which man calls “matter.”
Matter is light.
Nothing is which is not light.
“Perfection of rhythm, balanced perfection of rhythm. Everything in Nature is expressed by rhythmic waves of light. Every thought and action is a light-wave of thought and action. If one interprets the God within one, one’s thoughts and actions must be balanced rhythmic waves. Ugliness, fears, failures and diseases arise from unbalanced thoughts and actions. Therefore think beauty always if one desires vitality of body and happiness.”
“You can become a great creator or a little one as the intensity of your desire is little or great.”
“Those things that I must do I shall desire to do.”
“The universe gives to those who ask without favor. The electric plug which connects you is desire.”
“Down deep in his heart he knew that we all have the same promise of the unlimited help of the Universal Intelligence that guides all things. We only have to plug into it with the master keys of desire and trust.”
“There are no limitations set by this electric universe upon any man’s multiplication power. Each man sets his own limitations in accordance with his desires. He be a thin wire which gathers little energy and carries a weak current, or he may be a heavy one. That is true of all energy borrowed from the universe by all of us. It is there in unlimited quantities, but the gauge of the kind of wire each of us is set by ourselves.”
“The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.”