Physical reality emerges through a holographic interference pattern of spherically intersecting electromagnetic wave forms arising from the vibrations of the superfluid Planck field – the vacuum of space. These oscillating spherical wave fronts reflects upon the proton surface – the fundamental building block of matter – generating the so called Flower of Life interference pattern. It is the ammount of these pixels, or «voxels» of information on the proton horizon which determines the proton mass.
The ancient Fu Dog guarding the sacred knowledge of the Forbidden City in China holds a spherical engraving of a 3D Flower of Life structure safely beneath its right paw; a perfect symbolical rendition of the dynamics of creation. Coincidence?
AncientPages.com & Ellen Lloyd — (credit)
What Is The Meaning Of The Flower Of Life?
At first glance the Flower of Life appears to be rather simple, but there is a deeper meaning behind its design. The symbol is made up of multiple overlapping circles of the same size, 13 circles to be precise. Many people think that understanding the Flower of Life can help us to understand how the Universe works. Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.
The Flower of Life Can Be Found World-Wide
Just like the Ouroboros, an ancient infinity symbol, the Flower of Life can be found almost everywhere. The oldest known example of the Flower of Life has been discovered at the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt. However, as one of the most ancient symbols known to mankind, we also find the Flower Of Life at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, a Buddhist temple at Ajanta, India, in ancient Chinese temples, in the Louvre, in Spain, Japan, Lebanon, at the city of Ephesus and many other places.
In the Forbidden City, in Beijing, China the Flower of Life can be seen underneath the paw of the “Fu-Dog”, the “Guardian Lion.”
This palace was home to 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Like the Sphinx, the Fu-Dogs were a symbol of protection to the buildings and their inhabitants and also, they were considered to be the guardians of knowledge.
The Flower of Life – used today for study and meditation – is considered as a very ancient source of knowledge. Circles explain different aspects of reality and the symbol contributes with information ranging from the human body to the distant galaxies.